This book is Ms. Kinsella's glioblastoma multiples (GBM) pathography told as a roman a clef. It is a poowerfull story that is well-worth the time spent reading its 144 pages book or listening to the 2 hour audio version. Kinsella's journey illustrates the classical illness trajectories* of GBM patients: physical, psychological, spiritual and social.
When she writes, "All my words disintegrated in my brain" one can appreciate that and feel for her.
Kinsella was diagnosed with GBM in December 2022. A recent Instagram post from her contains this paragraph:
To everyone who is suffering from cancer in any form I send love and best wishes, as well as to those who support them. It can feel very lonely and scary to have a tough diagnosis, and the support and care of those around you means more than words can say.
All care providers, and some patients, will benefit from engaging with "What Does It Feel Like?"