Monday, September 3, 2018

The Long Road Home

One Step at a Time by G.B. Trudeau

This is an amazing graphic novel.

Story synopsis: Former football star and coach Lieutenant DB, a military reservist,  gets his left leg blown off by an RPG whilst on patrol in a Humvee outside Fallujah. As he drifts in an out of consciousness he is Medevac’d to a field hospital for resuscitation.  From the field hospital ward he makes the call home to tell his wife he has lost a leg, quipping that the good news is that he is down to his ideal weight. So begins his journey home, via Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, where he is joined by his wife Boopsie, to Walter Reed Army Medical Center,  then to Fisher House and then home, where one gets the feeling that his journey is only just beginning. His stuggle to readjust to life as an ‘amp’ is counterpointed by excellent black humoured gags. He’s an ‘AK’ (above knee) so he gets the ‘cool’ hardware- a C-Leg that costs as much as a Lexus.

It has a sequel, that I haven't read ye called The War Within that is available online!

Graphic novels have the potential to tell a story really well. "The Long Road Home" is a valuable resource.
